この作品は、2017年から東京の都市の周縁地域を繰り返しロード・トリップしながら様々な事物や風景を撮影したプロジェクトです。東京2020オリンピックに合わせて再開発されてきた東京都心部とは対照的に、時代に取り残され廃墟化したバブル時代の施設や観光地、近代化や高度経済成長の中で乱開発され放置された鉱山跡地や石切り場、国をあげての公共工事として進行したダムの工事現場、米軍基地とその周辺地帯、幹線通り沿いの奇妙な光景などを記録してきました。 撮影にあたっては、まずその土地の地質や地理的な側面からアプローチし、 歴史、文化、政治、経済などの様々な分野の文献研究やリサーチを行いながら制作を進めています。 また写真作品の制作や編集に際しては、アメリカの伝統的な写真の系譜がもっていた方法論や批評性を参照にしてきました。
This work was shot during repeated road trips to the periphery of the city of Tokyo starting in 2017. In contrast to central Tokyo, which has been redeveloped to coincide with the Olympic Games, this work documents the landscapes and things in the periphery of the city, which has been left behind by the times and is undergoing a remarkable decline.I approach my photography from the geological and geographical aspects of the area, and conduct research in various fields such as history, culture, politics, and economics. In creating and editing my photographs, I have referenced the methodology and criticality of the traditional American photographic tradition.
I have been taking road trips around the periphery of Tokyo to explore American images that have already been consumed and established as familiar through various media, and by mimicking American images in the photographic process, I have brought an ironic perspective to my work.
By doing so, I want to reconsider modernity and repeated historical events, and visualize the differences and similarities between the global and the local in today's world. I would also like to raise the issue of today's dystopian situation, in which the boundary between reality and fiction has become blurred due to the duality of the conflicting events of globalization in the economy and nationalism in politics.